Veteran Services

Frequently Asked Questions


问:我与军队有关系,有资格享受福利. Should I still complete the FAFSA?
A: Yes. 你可能有资格获得联邦和州的援助,除了你的退伍军人教育福利.

Q: I've never attempted to use benefits before. Where do I start?
A: First things first: Please visit the VA education website,选择您的福利类型,并通过以下方式完成在线申请

一旦VA处理了你的申请,他们会给你发一份资格证书. Send a copy of this, along with a copy of the Military Connected Student Worksheet, to the SAU Veterans and Recruitment Office. 

办公室还需要您的DD-214成员4副本(军事分离/出院文件)或您的NOBE (DD-2384 -基本资格通知)和您收到的任何Kickers副本.

Q: I made a change in my enrollment. Should I notify the Veterans Coordinator?
A: Yes! Changes in enrollment can affect your G.I. Bill® 福利,包括多支付的风险和个人债务给退伍军人管理局. 如果你的日程有任何改变,一定要尽快让SAU退伍军人协调员知道. 联系方式在本页的右侧.

Although Post-9/11 G.I. 学费和杂费直接支付给大学, 因注册变更而产生的多付费用将由学生承担.

最好在做出任何注册变更之前与退伍军人协调员(联系方式列在右边)讨论,以避免不必要的并发症或损失福利. 这包括增减课程和退学.

Q: I am considering switching to the Post 9/11 G.I. Bill® 我明白转让是不可撤销的. How does the Post 9/11 G.I. Bill compare to the Montgomery G.I. Bill?
答:不能总是假设后911时代的G.I. Bill is the best option for everybody. 在许多情况下,最好在转换之前耗尽之前的好处. 你可以拨打888-442-4551与退伍军人事务部联系,讨论利弊. Use this comparison tool on the VA website.

问:SAU退伍军人协调员会告诉我我是否有资格获得G级吗.I. Bill®?
A: No. 这只能在你申请福利后由VA决定. You are encouraged to complete the application for the Post-9/11 G.I. Bill® benefit, and let the VA determine your eligibility.


Q: I am enrolled as a part-time student. Can I still use my Post-9/11 G.I. Bill®?
A:Yes. For part-time students, 学费/杂费和书本费是根据你注册的学时数按比例支付的.

“追求率”超过50%的学生有资格获得每月住房津贴. "Rate of Pursuit" is calculated by the VA. For questions, contact the VA at 888-GIBILL1

Full-time = 12 or more credit hours (undergraduate); 9 or more credit hours (graduate)

退伍军人事务部根据学生在给定时间内注册的学分来确定兼职/全职身份, 不是这学期注册的总学时. 请联系退伍军人服务协调员或 VA with questions about maintaining full time status.

要获得最高住房津贴,你需要全职并且至少参加一次面对面的课程. 完全在线的学生的住房率是全国平均水平的一半.

Find more rate information at VA Education benefits rates.

Q: Does the Post-9/11 G.I. Bill® pay for room and board at SAU?
A: No. 每月住房津贴,或其他符合条件的经济援助,可以用于这笔费用. The Post-9/11 G.I. Bill will only pay for tuition and fees at St. Ambrose University.

Q: My parent is a veteran. Do I have some type of educational benefit?
A: Not necessarily. In order to qualify for 第三十五章遗属和受扶养人的教育援助在美国,父母必须已经死亡,或者由于现役而有100%的退伍军人伤残评级. 如果你的父母是911后服役的军人,就有 Transfer of Entitlement Program for children and spouses. 转移需要10年的承诺,并且必须在服务成员现役期间完成.

Q. I used up all of my G.I. Bill® benefits before the Post-9/11 G.I. Bill program began. Can I still apply for the Post-9/11 G.I. Bill?
A: Yes. If you used all 36 months of the Montgomery G.I. 在9/10/11之后有至少90天的累计现役服务, 你可能有资格获得额外12个月的911后G.I. Bill. 在退伍军人教育计划的任何组合下,个人最多不能获得超过48个月的福利.

You are encouraged to complete the application for the Post-9/11 G.I. Bill® benefit, and let the VA determine your eligibility.

Q: I don't begin classes until late August. Will I receive the full month of my Post-9/11 G.I. Bill® housing allowance?
A: No. 住房津贴的支付是由退伍军人事务部根据你在一个月实际登记的天数按比例分配的. For example: If classes start on the 15th, 那么你只会收到15号到月底的住房津贴.

Q. 学校对应召入伍的学生有什么政策?
A. St. 竞技宝app下载安装认识到在国家紧急情况下, 国民警卫队和预备役的学生可能会被征召服现役. 南澳大学为服兵役的学生制定了以下选择:

1. 本学期退课,全额退还学杂费.


2. 与学生的导师就学生应在以后完成的课程成绩或未完成的部分作出安排. If such arrangements are made, 学生的注册保持不变,学杂费按规定全额缴纳.

上述选项也适用于有受抚养子女的已部署服役人员的配偶, in the case when the spouse is the student.

如果您对这项政策有疑问或需要根据军事义务退出课程, please contact me ASAP. 如果你对你的经济援助计划有疑问, 请致电563-333-5775与学生金融服务联系.

问:我有一些问题还没有得到解答. Where can I go for answers?
A:如果您有任何关于使用退伍军人教育福利的问题或疑虑. Ambrose University, please email Natalie Woodhurst,退伍军人服务协调员,或致电563-333-5721.

Complete the Veterans Worksheet


Natalie Woodhurst

Veterans and Recruitment Services
Ambrose Hall 317B
518 W. Locust St.
Davenport, IA 52803

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